SIELE  est proposé par modules  

  • SIELE Global – 4 compétences
  • SIELE 1 – 2 compétences ( compréhension orale et écrite)
  • SIELE 2 – 2 compétences ( compréhension écrite et expression écrite)
  • SIELE 3 – 2 compétences (compréhension et expression orales)
  • SIELE 4 – 1 compétence ( expression orale)
  • SIELE 5 – 2 compétences (expression orale et écrite)

What is SIELE ?

SIELE stands for  « Servicio Internacional de evaluación de la Lengua Espanola » , it assesses and certifies the Spanish language skills of non-Spanish native speakers and their degré of mastery. It addresses the needs of Spanish language skills with students and professionals all over the world .

  • It is produced by   Universidad autonoma de Mexico , Universidad de Salamanca and Universidad de Buenos Aires,  which garanties the quality of its elaboration and the diversity of Spanish language variants.
  • SIELE can certify the dégrée of Mastery of the Spanish language through 4 components : Listening comprehension, Reading comprehension, Speaking and Writing. SIELE is aligned to the European Council Language Framework of Reference (CERL) levels.
SIELE Global (4 skills)3h001000

SIELE 1 (2 skills)
SIELE 2 (2 skills)1h50500
SIELE 3 (2 skills)1h10500
SIELE 4 (1 skill) 20min250

SIELE 5 (2 skills)

SIELE is modular, complete and reliable. The different versions can assesss all 4 skills or one or two skills separately. SIELE is computer based and test results can be obtained fairly quick.

SIELE is accepted by most Spanish Universities.