How does the CPF work?

The CPF allows you to accumulate a certain number of euros per year for training purposes.

How to mobilize your CPF: the case of an employee

It is up to the employee to take the initiative in using his or her CPF for a training project. The employee does not need his or her employer’s authorization if the training is to be carried out outside working hours, or if the aim of the training is to acquire the knowledge and skills base. On the other hand, the employee does need to obtain his employer’s prior agreement if the training is to be carried out partly or completely during working hours. The employer must notify the employee of its response within 30 days. If the employer fails to reply, this constitutes acceptance.

Eligible training courses must lead to certification at the end of the course. For example, the acquisition of a knowledge and skills base, in this case English.

These training courses lead to a diploma, a professional title, a certification such as TOEIC or Linguaskill for English, a certificate of professional qualification (CQP), accreditation, etc.

Language training is part of the elibigles training list! The LINGUASKILL and TOEIC language tests to certify an acquired level of English are eligible under the CPF.

How to mobilize your CPF: the case of a jobseeker

All jobseekers have a CPF. If the jobseeker has a sufficient balance on his or her CPF to take part in training, the project is validated as part of the personalized project for access to employment (PPAE). If the balance is insufficient, Pôle emploi or one of the other institutions in charge of professional development advice will call on the additional funding available.

Steps to follow :

  1. Open your account on ;
  2. Create a digital identity on the la Poste website to identify yourself and validate your account;
  3. Once you have created your account, request a quote from your personal space in my training account at ILE International ;
  4. ILE International will send you a list of proposed course start and end dates;
  5. Confirm the proposal and wait 11 days (cooling-off period).

How do I top up my CPF?

If the scholar’s balance is insufficient for a course, the CPF can be financed by :

  • The employer, if the account holder is an employee ;
  • the CPF holder himself/herself;
  • the OPCO concerned in application of a branch agreement or, failing that, an interprofessional OPCO
  • an OPACIF responsible for managing individual training leave;
  • the State, the regions, Pôle emploi and Agefiph.